The first tip when buying online is to check about the seller's background and history. This is usually an indication of whether the seller delivers on their promises, can be relied on in terms of the accuracy of the product and communicate well with the buyer. One can usually find this info on the feedback page or comments by previous buyers.
The next thing to consider is to ask for an actual photo of the item that the seller is selling. This is important as some sellers would only display stock photos and as such, buyers are not aware of the actual condition of the item. More often than not, authentic sellers would post actual photos of the item and would snap a shot if the buyer asks for another picture. Asking for some details like the paper condition, edges of the book, book cover or jacket and any missing pages is essential especially if one is thinking of buying rare artifacts or limited edition books. Remember that any unnatural condition to the book would diminish its value.

One should also ask the seller about their terms, policies for return and refund in case there is a problem with the item. Some sellers would allow return of the merchandise; however, the buyer often shoulders the shipping cost while others provide free return within specified amount of time. Do remember that books from international sellers might require one to pay for custom duties as well as other additional charges.
If the seller is new, one can ask if they can do meet-ups in a public place. This way, one is assured that the seller is authentic and since it is in a public place, one can ask for help if needed. However, it is prudent to bring someone along just to make sure that one is safe. Check the books thoroughly to ensure that this is the right book that both are talking about. For those who are collecting rare books, ask for a certificate authenticating the book, chances are, genuine sellers would be able to show a certificate of the authenticity of the book as well as the body or organization that authenticated the item. On the other hand, for those who are inclined to buy e-books, make sure to buy books online only from authorized sellers to support the authors. Some do offer free preview of their books so one can try it out before buying the whole book.
Last, but not the least, is the payment procedure determined by the seller. Ask how to go about with your payment.
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